Protecting Nebraska From China

Jim Pillen

America is the greatest country in the history of civilization. We are blessed by God to live in a land that is free, prosperous, and respects individual liberties. However, there are countries in this world whose main mission is to tear down our country, and none more so than the communist country of China.

China’s sole geopolitical goal is to become the preeminent world power and spread its totalitarianism across the globe. We cannot allow that to happen. As your Governor, I will do everything in my power to ensure Nebraska is doing everything it can to combat this serious threat.
During my first year, we took various steps to fight against Communist China. Those included banning technology owned by the Chinese Communist Party from state devices, to banning state taxpayer dollars from going to private companies that use Chinese technology capable of infiltrating Nebraskans’ cellphones.

This year, on the 23rd anniversary of 9/11, I ceremoniously signed three bills brought by senators Eliot Bostar (LB1300), Barry DeKay (LB1301), and Brian Hardin (LB1120) to further fight this threat.
These bills collectively ban Communist China from purchasing agricultural land and land next to military instillations in Nebraska. They also prepare Nebraska, to ensure our supply lines for critical items are not affected, if China invades the free and sovereign country of Taiwan.

Finally, this legislation bans state and local governments in Nebraska from using taxpayer funds to purchase items of critical infrastructure from Communist Chinese companies.

Nebraska has long been on the front lines of global security, from farmers and ranchers that stabilize the globe by feeding the world, to the brave men and women who are leading global nuclear deterrence at Offutt Air Force Base. Just as in every aspect of our lives, we as Nebraskans need to do our part. That is why I am proud that Nebraska is a leader in the country on this issue.  I applaud senators Bostar, DeKay and Hardin for recognizing the importance of creating these protections.

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