Governor Jim Pillen Issues Statement Offering Prayers for President Trump’s Success, Praises Day One Executive Actions, and Pledges Sate Support for Immigration and Border Plans

LINCOLN, NE – Today, Governor Jim Pillen issued the following statement offering prayers for President Trump’s success, praising Day One executive actions and pledging state support for immigration and border plans.
“I congratulate President Donald J. Trump on his inauguration as the 47th President of the United States of America. He carries into office the hopes of the American people and is immensely well-prepared for the task. Suzanne and I, along with the people of Nebraska, lift President Trump, First Lady Melania, and their entire family up in prayer.
President Trump’s Day One executive actions and orders are impressive and are the first steps in delivering on his promise to make America secure, strong, prosperous and great again. They range from unlocking American-produced energy resources to power our economy and support our energy independence, to restoring the death penalty for cop-killers and placing our foreign policy in a long-overdue ‘America First’ posture.
Several of the President’s orders closely align with initiatives I have pursued as Governor with my focus on Kids, Taxes, Agriculture and Values. The President’s “Defending Women from Gender Ideology Extremism and Restoring Biological Truth to the Federal Government” order, which directs federal agencies to recognize the commonsense fact that women are biologically female, and men are biologically male, is consistent with my Women’s Bill of Rights executive order on August 30, 2023.
Likewise, the President’s establishment of the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) to eliminate waste and bloat across the federal bureaucracy is similar to my ongoing initiatives to “Clean Out the Closets” in state government and to run government like a business by using a systems approach to improving services to reduce costs. This work is broadly aimed at shrinking Nebraska state government by eliminating or consolidating departments and agencies, reducing onerous regulations on businesses, and cutting costly government mandates. I am glad to see Nebraska common sense put to work at the federal level.
And of course, President Trump has ordered federal government employees back to in-person work, just as I ordered our state workforce back into their workplaces. The pandemic has long been over, and there is no excuse for government office workers to do the people’s business from home, especially when our armed forces, correctional workers, and law enforcement officers have always had to come into work.
It is the highest calling of government to keep its people safe. Because of that, I am encouraged by the strength of President Trump’s immigration and border security orders. The state of Nebraska will support these efforts. On my return to Lincoln this week, I will issue an executive order to all state agencies directing them to cooperate to the full extent of the law with federal efforts to enforce our immigration laws and affirmatively support the apprehension of criminal aliens.
Nebraska will also support President Trump’s work to secure our southern border. I have twice ordered the Nebraska National Guard to conduct border security missions in Texas. Our soldiers and airmen performed these missions with excellence and skill and stand ready to do the same again, if needed.”