Gov. Pillen Offers Support for Winner-Take-All, Urges Senators to Bring Bill to His Desk
LINCOLN, NE -- Today, Governor Jim Pillen issued the following statement in response to a call out for his support on LB 764, introduced by Senator Loren Lippincott. The bill proposes the reinstatement of the winner-take-all system for electing presidential and vice-presidential candidates, awarding all electoral votes to candidates receiving the highest number of votes in the state.
“I am a strong supporter of Senator Lippincott’s winner-take-all bill (LB 764) and have been from the start. It would bring Nebraska into line with 48 of our fellow states, better reflect the founders’ intent, and ensure our state speaks with one unified voice in presidential elections.
I call upon fellow Republicans in the Legislature to pass this bill to my desk so I can sign it into law.”