GI Police Report

News media report for: 1/31/25
All crimes reported in this news media report are felonies for the past 24 hours. For more information on reports, please contact Capt. Dean Elliott.
Offense: Terroristic Threats
Victim: 35 yr old male Incident #: L25012595
Offender: Savannah R. Tadlock
Date and Time of Incident: 1/30/25 @ 12:15
Location of Incident: 9078 S Greenwich
Brief Narrative: Officers responded to the residence after Probation reported a disturbance while on the phone with the offender. During the incident, Probation reported to dispatch that the female was threatening the male with a knife. Both the male and Probation verified this statement. The offender denied making the statement but admitted to making a statement that she was going to beat him up. The children inside the residence were placed in a forty-eight hour hold through Health and Human Services. The offender was arrested for Terroristic Threats and Use of a Weapon to Commit a Felony.
Offense: Sexual Assault
Victim: 16 yr old female Incident #: L25012647
Date and Time of Incident: between 1/29/25 & 1/30/25
Location of Incident: Within City Limits
Brief Narrative: On 1/30/2025 at approximately 2255 hours Officers were dispatched to St. Francis Medical Center located at 2620 W Faidley Ave. for a report of sexual assault of a child. Case is still under investigation
Offense: Sexual Assault
Victim: 13 yr old female, 12 yr old female Incident #: L25012611
Date and Time of Incident: between 1/1/23 & 1/30/25
Location of Incident: Within City Limits
Brief Narrative: A sexual assault of two minor juvenile females was reported in Grand Island NE. Case is under investigation. Law Enforcement Center 111 Public Safety Dr Grand Island, Nebraska 68801 (308) 385-5400 FAX: 385-5398 Emergency: 911
Offense: Fraud
Victim: 76 yr old female Incident #: L25012583
Date and Time of Incident: 1/29/25 @ 13:00
Location of Incident: 1006 Stonewood Ave
Brief Narrative: Victim was contacted over the Internet by offender. Victim was deceived into taking money ($2,250) out of their personal bank accounts and sending the money to the offender by gift cards.