GI Police Report

News media report for: 1/22/25
All crimes reported in this news media report are felonies for the past 24 hours. For more
information on reports, please contact Capt. Dean Elliott.
Offense: Theft
Victim: 33 yr old female Incident #: L25011737
Date and Time of Incident: between 1/17/25 & 1/21/25
Location of Incident: 1622 W North Front St
Brief Narrative: On 01/20/2024, investigators with the Grand Island Police department spoke with an adult female regarding a theft. The female reported $5,000 worth of cash and multiple antique coins, valued at $16,000 stolen from her residence. This case remains under investigation.
Offense: Counterfeit Currency
Victim: Lobo Market Incident #: L25011739
Date and Time of Incident: 1/21/25 @ 15:05
Location of Incident: 224 E 4th St
Brief Narrative: Employees at Five Points Bank on N Eddy St reported a counterfeit $100 bill. The $100 came from a night drop from Lobo Market.