GI Police Report

News media report for: 1/7/25
All crimes reported in this news media report are felonies for the past 24 hours. For more information on reports, please contact Capt. Dean Elliott.
Offense: Terroristic Threats
Victim: 40 yr old female Incident #: L25010470
Date and Time of Incident: 1/7/25 @ 02:00
Location of Incident: 3027 W Capital Ave; Apt 16
Brief Narrative: On 1/7/25 at approximately 0350, officers were detailed to 3027 W. Capital Ave., #16 in reference to a possible disturbance there. Officer arrived on scene and contacted the victim alone in the apartment. In speaking with her, she informed officers her intimate partner had threatened to blow her head off with a gun during an argument. Suspect had left the scene prior to officer arrival and was not immediately located. Case is open.
Offense: Burglary
Victim: 26 yr old male Incident #: L25010456
Date and Time of Incident: 1/6/25 @ 18:00
Location of Incident: 508 E 16th St
Brief Narrative: On 01/06/25 at 1902 officers made contact with a male at 508 E 16th Street who observed forcible entry was made and reported several belongings to be stolen. Case is open.