GI Police Report

News media report for: 09/25/24
All crimes reported in this news media report are felonies for the past 24 hours. For more information on reports, please contact Capt. Dean Elliott.|
Offense: Criminal Impersonation
Victim: Incident #: L24092080
Offender: Brian Samayao-Blanco
Date and Time of Incident: 9/24/24 @ 14:30
Location of Incident: 2004 N Wheeler; Apt 3B
Brief Narrative: On 09-24-2024 at approximately 14:30 hours a domestic disturbance was dispatched to 2004 N Wheeler Ave. Apt. #3B where one neighbor could hear a verbal altercation coming from the apartment. Officers contacted a female resident after being able to hear her crying through the closed front door. A male was eventually contacted at the residence, who provided a false name that returned to a known family member. The male was identified as Brian Samayao Blanco who had two Dawson County Warrants for his arrest. Brian was placed under arrest for the Dawson County Warrants and Criminal Impersonation.
Offense: Probation Violation
Victim: Incident #: L24092088
Offender: Jason Lemburg
Date and Time of Incident: 9/24/24 @ 15:50
Location of Incident: 207 N Pine St
Brief Narrative: At approximately 1550 9/24/24, Officers responded to a report of an Agency Assist at 207 Pine St N; Adult Probation Office. Probation officers reported Jason Lemburg was being charged with a probation violation with a 48 hour jail sanction. He was contacted and placed under arrest the Probation Violation.
Offense: Terroristic Threats
Victim: Barr Middle School Incident #: L24092074
Date and Time of Incident: 9/24/24 @ 12:23
Location of Incident: 602 W Stolley Park Rd
Brief Narrative: A student at Barr Middle School made a threat toward the school after another student made the student upset. The student advised they said the comment out of anger and had no intentions of carrying out the threat. Other students were present when the threat was said and caused a disruption to the school day. The student will be referred for Terroristic Threats.
Offense: Burglary
Victim: 69 year old male Incident #: L24092079
Date and Time of Incident: between 9/10/24 & 9/24/24
Location of Incident: 2723 W John St
Brief Narrative: Victim reported someone entered his unlocked garage and stole a Ryobi power washer ($299) in the past two weeks.