GI Police Report

News media report for: 09/24/24
All crimes reported in this news media report are felonies for the past 24 hours. For more information on reports, please contact Capt. Dean Elliott.
Offense: Assault
Victim: 62 year old male Incident #: L24091952
Offender: Vanessa Hanson
Date and Time of Incident: 9/23/24 @ 10:13
Location of Incident: 1300 Block of Sylvan St
Brief Narrative: On 09-23-2024 at approximately 10:13 hours a domestic disturbance was dispatched to the 1300 block of S. Sylvan St where a female was yelling. Vanessa Hanson was contacted and acting very erratic. Vanessa at first provided multiple different names. Vanessa aggressed towards Officers with clinched fists and was eventually detained after attempting to pull away. Vanessa also resisted being placed into the back of the patrol vehicle by bracing against the door. Officers attempted to deescalate but Vanessa would not comply and intentionally pulled her pants down. Neighbors in the area were looking out their window during Vanessa's intentional exposure of her lower torso. Vanessa was transported to St. Francis Medical Center for medical clearance. While the doctor was assessing Vanessa she spit into the doctors face. Vanessa was eventually transported to the Hall County Department of Corrections where she continued to fight jail staff. Vanessa Hanson was arrested for Obstruction, Resisting Arrest, Public Indecency, Assault 3rd Degree on Health Care Professional.
Offense: Sexual Assault of a Child
Victim: 8 year old male Incident #: L24091947
Date and Time of Incident: between 9/10/24 & 9/23/24
Location of Incident: Within City Limits
Brief Narrative: On 9/23/2024 it was reported that a juvenile male has been showing sexualized behaviors at school and there are concerns of the juvenile being taught these behaviors. Case is under investigation.