Arrest Made in HEC Collission

News media report for: 02/07/25
All crimes reported in this news media report are felonies for the past 24 hours. For more information on reports, please contact Capt. Dean Elliott.
Offense: DUI
Victim: City of Grand Island Incident #: L25020485
Offender: Nyawaragak Puk
Date and Time of Incident: 2/6/25 @ 05:32
Location of Incident: 690 E Stolley Park Rd
Brief Narrative: On 02-06-2025 at approximately 0536 officers responded to a motor vehicle collision at Heartland Event Center, 700 E. Stolley Park Rd. The officers contacted and identified the driver, Nyawaragak Puk, at the time of the crash. The vehicle collided into the south side of the Bosselman Conference Center building and caused severe damage to the front of the vehicle and the building. Puk had blood shot eyes, an odor of alcoholic beverage was coming from her person and admitted to drinking alcoholic beverages. Puk performed SFST's showed gross impairment. At the completion of the observation period, Puk provided a failing preliminary. Puk was placed under arrest and read the post arrest advisement form and refused the chemical breath test. A records check showed Puk was 19 years old and had no proof of insurance. The damage to the building was estimated at $50,000.00. Puk was transported to the Hall County Department of Corrections and arrested for DUI 1st Offense, Refusal to Submit to Breath Test, Minor in Possession 1st Offense, Criminal Mischief-$5,000+ and No Proof of Insurance.
Offense: Wanted Person
Victim: Incident #: L25020509
Offender: Maikel Migliori Perez
Date and Time of Incident: 2/6/25 @ 12:00
Location of Incident: 116 Lakeview Cir; Apt 7
Brief Narrative: Officers were detailed to an address in reference to a Domestic Disturbance. Upon arriving a female answered the door and advised nobody was assaulted and the incident was only verbal. Female gave the person's first name of Maikel and the female was asked if it was Maikel Migliori Perez. The female opened the door and allowed Officers in. A Sgt yelled Maikel's name and he answered. He was placed into custody and transported to the HCDC under arrest for Hall County Warrant CR 25 119, for Burglary [28-507] CL IIA FO.
Offense: Identity Theft
Victim: 22 yr old female Incident #: L25020520
Date and Time of Incident: between 1/1/22 & 12/31/22
Location of Incident: 322 E 8th St
Brief Narrative: Victim reported that she discovered someone had earned over $43,000 on third party network transactions using her identity, causing her $12,977.92 in taxes and penalties from the IRS. Case is open.
Offense: Fraud
Victim: Quirch Foods Incident #: L25020513
Date and Time of Incident: between 1/30/25 & 2/3/25
Location of Incident: 555 S Stuhr Rd
Brief Narrative: A company out of Florida reported that a truck load of meat was stolen from JBS
after it was not delivered to them. A transport company illegally retendered the order to a broker. The meat was taken to California and was valued at $201,567.67. Case is open.